Short Courses

Level 2 Diploma
in Care
- Course Duration: 4 to 6 months
- Intakes: Jan, March, June, September
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
The content of the Level 2 Diploma in Care has been specified by the two sector skills councils responsible for the health and adult care workforces, Skills for Health and Skills for Care, in consultation with employers, learning providers and those who use services.
The qualification has core shared knowledge and skills that support the vision of employers providing integrated services and the portability of skills and knowledge across the health and adult care workforce.
As such, the content of the qualification is applicable to a variety of roles, for example:
- adult care worker
- healthcare assistant/support worker
- personal assistant
This qualification has been designed to allow learners to obtain and then demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work effectively and flexibly within the Care or Healthcare sector at Level 2.

Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Dementia Care
- Fees: £1200
- Course Duration: 4 to 6 months
- Intakes: Jan, March, June, September
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
The Level 2 Certificate in the Principles of Dementia Care is for learners with an interest in, or who are already working within a role in which they are required to know about the principles of dementia care, and need a qualification to show their knowledge.
The Level 2 Certificate will provide learners with the knowledge to work in a variety of job roles within the Health and Social Care sectors where they will be working with people who have dementia or are at risk of developing dementia.
The primary purpose of the Level 2 Certificate is to enable the learner to develop knowledge in the subject of dementia and to prepare for further learning or training.

Certificate in Understanding Nutrition and Health
- Course Duration: 4 to 6 months
- Intakes: Jan, March, June, September
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This qualification has been designed to allow learners to obtain and then demonstrate knowledge about nutrition and health. It is appropriate for learners of all ages, whether employed or not, and applies to all sectors but particularly health and social care, hospitality and catering or sport and fitness.

Level 3 Adult
- Course Duration: 4 to 6 months
- Intakes: Jan, March, June, September
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
The content of the Level 3 Diploma in Adult Care has been specified by Skills for Care, in consultation with employers, learning providers and those who use services.
The qualification has core shared knowledge and skills that support the vision of employers providing integrated services and the portability of skills and knowledge across the health and adult care workforce.
The content of the qualification is applicable to the following roles:
- lead adult care worker
- lead personal assistant
This qualification has been designed to allow learners to obtain and then demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to work effectively and flexibly within the Care sector at level 3.

Basic life support in Care Certificate
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This basic life support training course focuses on Standard 12 of the Care Certificate and educates users on the administration of basic life support
life support training can be completed anywhere at any time, offering a practical solution for care providers of all sizes.
This training course is broken down into 4 sections
- Basic Life Support for Adults
- Treating a Choking Child
- Obstructed Airways – Infants
- Training and Record Keeping

Duty of Care
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
You have a duty of care to all those receiving care and support in your workplace. This means promoting well-being and making sure that people are kept safe from harm, abuse and injury.
Your duty of care is also to other workers, for example, in a hospital, to doctors, nurses, and healthcare support workers but also to caterers, cleaners and maintenance workers. If you are a home care worker you will probably work alone in a variety of homes, but there may well be other people in the premises, as well as whoever you are there to support. Your duty of care is to each individual and to the other workers you come into contact with in the community.
This training course is broken down into 2 sections.
- Wellbeing
Well-being could be defined as the positive way in which a person feels and thinks of themselves.
- Code of conduct
A code of conduct tells you how you are expected to behave as a care worker.

Introduction to Safeguarding Children Training Course
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Everybody is responsible for safeguarding children. This is regardless of your occupation, how frequently you work with children, or how often you interact with their families. We all have a responsibility to keep children safe.
Safeguarding Children course provides you with the knowledge and skills you need to safeguard children. It describes the common types of abuse, how to recognize them, and how to respond to your concerns. It also explains how to correctly report your concerns. The course uses a variety of written text, interactive activities, and real-life case studies to help you understand your responsibilities.

Understanding Your Role in Care Training
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Our Understanding Your Role Training course aims to provide awareness to help make sure employees know what is expected from them in their job role but also what is not included in your role. Job descriptions will give a good overview of your role but will often not list every task that is expected from you.
The possible responsibilities that might be included in your job role are: providing care & support, working as part of a team, contributing towards activities or respecting confidentiality. As an employee, it is important to understand your companies values, aims and objectives. .
Understanding your role – requires staff to:
- Understand their own role
- Work in ways that have been agreed between them and their employer
- Understand working relationships in health & social care
- Work in partnership with others

Your Personal Development certificate
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Personal development is a professional process that begins at work with the clarification of your objectives and targets and is accomplished by achieving goals that you have set for yourstor to make the most of your potential.
Care Certificate states carers must:
- Agree on a personal development plan with their employer.
- Develop their knowledge, skills and understanding.

Equality, diversity, and inclusion training courses
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Across our equality, diversity and inclusion courses you’ll learn:
- about the law and your legal responsibilities
- about the benefits of having a diverse and inclusive organisation
- how equality, diversity and inclusion can increase staff engagement, retention and productivity
- how to handle equality, diversity and inclusion issues raised at work
- how to create and implement equality, diversity and inclusion policies
- about good practice for recruitment processes

Work in a Person-Centred Way Care Certificate
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Caring defines health and social care at its very core. People receiving care expect it to be right for them, consistently, throughout every stage of their life. This care certificate standard can go towards your care certificate.
In this module you will learn about:
- Person-centred working values
- The importance of working in a person-centred way
- Promoting dignity in care
- Identifying environmental discomfort and distress and who to report these issues to
- Educating others should they be causing discomfort or distress or service users
- Recognising indicators of pain and how to minimise pain and discomfort
- Supporting the people you care for and support to promote and maintain their identity and self-esteem

Communication Skills
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Unfortunately, sometimes there is a mismatch between what we are trying to communicate and how it is understood.
However, if we continue to work on our communication skills, it makes us far more likely to be able to express ourselves in a way that others can clearly understand.
Even though 89% of people believe that effective communication is extremely important, 8 out of 10 people rate their own business’ communication as either average or poor. That’s where communication eLearning comes in.
This Effective Communication Skills course is suitable for anyone. It can be used for improving communication skills, learning the basics and foundations of effective communication or it can be used as a refresher for those who consider themselves strong communicators and want to ensure they are still familiar with good practices.

Privacy & Dignity in Care Training
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
In the Care Certificate, privacy is defined as ‘giving space to someone when & where they need it’ or ‘treating personal information confidentially’.
Dignity can be defined as ‘focusing on the value of every individual, including respecting their views, choices and decisions’, ‘not making assumptions about how they want to be treated’, ‘working with care and compassion’ ‘communicating directly with the individual whenever possible.’
Care Certificate – Privacy & Dignity – requires staff to:
- Understand the principles that underpin privacy & dignity
- Help individuals maintain privacy & dignity in care
- Support individuals to make choices
- Support them in making choices about their care
- Understand & support active participation
- Support individuals in active participation in their own care

Safeguarding Adults certificate
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This training course is broken down into 3 sections
- Safeguarding
- What is abuse?
- Dealing with Abuse
Adult safeguarding is about maintaining or improving a person’s wellbeing, promoting their independence and protecting them from abuse, harm and neglect. In this section, we look at who might be at risk, what the law says and at the principles, policies and procedures for safeguarding.

Mental Health Awareness Training
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Mental Health is a serious subject. Nearly two-thirds of people say that they have experienced mental ill-health. In fact, the HSE report that mental ill-health (specifically stress, depression or anxiety) is now accountable for over 50% of all working days lost and 51% of work-related ill health in 2019/20.
One of the biggest challenges with poor mental health is removing the stigma that surrounds it. Many don’t hesitate to seek help for physical pain or problem, yet so many of us ignore emotional and mental health issues – or we feel too embarrassed, confused or scared to talk about them. This Mental Health Awareness Training discusses mental health the way you would a headache or the flu, and it encourages you to take care of yourself as you would a loved one.

Handling Information in Care Training
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This training course is broken down into 1 section
- Handling Information
Care Certificate – Handling Information – requires staff to:
- Describe ways of working & legislation around recording/sharing/storing of information
- Explain why it is important to have secure systems for recording/sharing/storing information
- Show how to keep records up to date, complete, accurate & legible
- Explain how to report if they become aware ways of working have not been followed

Health and
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This training course is broken down into 2 sections.
- Legislation, Policies, and Responsibilities
- 2Accidents and Sudden Illnesses
Our Health & Safety in Care Training Course educates users on the legislation surrounding Health & Safety so that both the carer and the people receiving the care are protected.
There are various pieces of legislation that are relevant to Health & Safety in Care. In this course, we will touch on:
- RIDDOR 2013
- The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
- The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
- The Manual Handling Operations Regulations
- The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
- The Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations

Infection Prevention and Control Training
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
This training course is broken down into 3 sections.
- 1Infections
- The Chain of Infection
- Hygiene
The risk of infection is everywhere, from door handles and desks to kitchens and keyboards. And once an infection contaminates, it can be spread around a workplace in as little as two to four hours.
It’s the job of staff and managers everywhere to be aware of the risks of infections like COVID-19, Norovirus, and more. This added awareness will help staff members do what they can to help prevent diseases from spreading in the workplace. That’s where our infection control course comes in. It looks at what kinds of infections are most prevalent, what they are, how they spread, and who’s at risk. Most importantly, it considers what you can do to prevent the spread of infections at all.

Duty of Candour
- Fees: £500
- Course Duration: 2 MONTHS
- Intakes: OPEN
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
Aims of the Duty of Candour course
By the end of the training course, you will:
- Understand what the duty of candour is and why it is important
- Understand notifiable safety incidents and where to get more information
- Identify the levels of harm and understand the definitions
- Identify when a notifiable safety incident has occurred and when the regulation applies
- Know what to do if a notifiable safety incident has occurred and follow best practice
- Encourage a learning culture and the need to learn from incidents
- Understand the importance of evidence and records

Level 2 Diploma in Air Cabin Crew
- Online and Blended
- Fees: £ 1000
- 6-month fast-track course
- Intake : Open
Throughout the course, you will participate in water survival assessment training, undertake a familiarisation flight, spend time behind the scenes at international airports, and develop your knowledge in our very own mock aircraft cabin.
You will also have the opportunity to perform emergency evacuations, fire and smoke cabin procedures, life raft simulation and safety demonstrations to prepare you for your career in the sky.

ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages)
- Fees: £6000
- Course Duration: 11 MONTHS
- Entry Requirement: 16-18 and 19 +
General English
Our General English ESOL programs cover the full range of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)’s six reference levels.
Duration & Delivery
The duration of our English language programs varies from 2-week intensives to 11-month full courses leading to a recognised award.
International Students
Short Courses
Short-term student visas are for individuals who want to study short courses, language programs, or attend workshops, conferences, or training in the UK.
These visas are typically granted for a limited period, usually for courses lasting up to six months or 11 months, depending on the specific visa category.
Ties to Home Country
You may need to provide evidence of ties to your home country, such as family, property, or employment, to show your intention to return after your study period.
No Work Intent
Short-term student visas generally do not allow for work, with limited exceptions for certain types of courses.
Health Insurance
While not always mandatory, it's advisable to have comprehensive health insurance coverage during your stay in the UK.
Travel Plans
Provide details of your travel plans, including your intended date of arrival and departure.
Financial Requirements
You need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation.
This can typically be proven through bank statements or other financial documents.
£1300/month (Inner London)
£ 1100/month ( Outer,London)
Visa Application
Complete the visa application form and provide the necessary supporting documents. Biometric data may be required, and you will need to pay a visa application fee.
1. Valid Passport
2. Proof of Address
3.Education Certificate
You must have proof of acceptance into a recognized educational institution or program in the UK. This can be in the form of a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS) from your institution.
Criminal Record Check
Depending on your country of origin and the nature of your visit, you may need to provide a police clearance certificate.
Other Documentation
Depending on your specific circumstances, additional documentation may be required. Always refer to the official UK government website for the most up-to-date information.
Please note that the specific requirements and conditions of short-term student visas may change, so it’s essential to consult the official website of the UK Home Office or the nearest UK embassy or consulate for the latest information and guidance on the application process